These youth activities will help kids reclaim their summer
The moments that youth experience throughout their lives ought to symbolize jubilance, innocence, and an unshatterable barrier of joy. Youth activities are essential, especially during the summer months when kids are needing for attention.
Certainly, pandemic era protocols have robbed youngins of normal nurture and growth processes.
That’s in the past though! Summer is here and we are here to present you with solutions! Here are some youth activities to entertain your child this summer while testing the limits of their creative aptitude.
Upcycled fashion may exhibit nifty thriftiness
Go out in the community and pick up trash! While you’re out there you could find intriguing recyclables that you might utilize for repurposing.
There lies much to be learned via community service. Sure, you will receive your fair share of huffs and puffs (sighs) along the way. In the moment, your child might not appreciate or understand the magnitude of what they are doing but it will always come full circle.
Expand the youth’s vocabulary with a civics counsel activity this summer
Have your child round up their five closest friends and/or family members. Possibly rent out a library space or co-work zone and lay the groundwork for open discourse. Then, have the youth brainstorm ideas about the area that they all frequent the most often i.e. ballfield, gym, museum.
Next, invite them to generate ideas as to how they might improve upon any notable issues within those places. This activity will provide validation to their concerns while giving them the ability to think critically and become solution-minded.
Take me to your mannequin leader
Hop on over to Michael’s or any craft store and see if you can’t locate some form of mannequin heads and blank flags. Have your child create their own country and let the mannequin serve as its leader. How will your country function?
Will there be poverty? Veganism? What will the class systems look like? This activity will showcase potential creative design ability while giving the youngster a chance to dream and conceive their ideal society.
You heard that? It’s slime time!
If your kid is very hands-on then give them the tools and let ‘em go to work. Making slime is reminiscent of Nickelodeon era antics.
This is an excellent opportunity to bask in your nostalgia all the while passing along why those moments were so special to your little one. Meanwhile, they are elbows deep in some ASMR-type therapeutic feeling activity. Nobody loses.
Make somethin’ outta nothin’ this summer with this youth activity
Collect some newspapers and dissect different topics that you find interesting. While you’re at it, see what old magazines you might have laying around and throw those in the mix as well. This activity is multi-purposed and has many different avenues to provide creative stimulation for the youth’s experiences.
You may discuss current events with your child and really nail down why these developments have received attention. This can lead to discussions about publicity, “no such thing as bad press,” and why sensationalism still exists in our world today.
As far as the magazines go, provide blank construction paper, scissors, glue, markers and crayons. Then, cut out any images that you find appealing within the body of the magazines. Finally, paste them onto the construction paper to make something new from a previous publication.
However you slice it, temps are rising and outlooks are brighter than ever. Always remember, your actions are a direct reflection of character and children are much more observant than we may realize. The experiences the youth collect in their first chapters will affect them for the rest of their lives. Blessings.