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What a new Apple search engine could mean for the world

Apple is working on a search engine of its own…

In today’s world of instant information on a pocket-sized device and the massive proliferation of the phrase, “Just Google it!” it’s hard to imagine using any other search engine to find the facts you’re looking for (sorry Bing)

Whether it’s research for a college essay or just a quick Google search to win an argument with your friends at a bar, Google has always been the go-to search engine as long as most of us can remember.

However, this may all be changing in the not so distant future. Despite Silicon Valley’s notorious secretive culture, there have been some rumblings over the past few years about Apple’s plans for a search engine of its own.

Growing evidence of a rival search engine

The dark corners of the internet have been aflutter with talk of a new Apple search engine in the works. The tech giant has recently ramped up its search bot activity, crawling the internet, indexing, and ranking websites.

In July 2020, Apple updated its Applebot guidelines too, solidifying considerable speculation about its next moves.

In 2018, Apple poached John Giannandrea, the head of search for Google for the previous 8 years. Despite the cover story of bringing him on board to work on artificial intelligence, it seems more likely that they’re hoping to take advantage of his extensive search engine experience.

With its latest iOS 14 update, Apple has already started ditching Google search results in favor of its own. That, combined with their recent batch of search engineer hires, where they specified experience in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning, the evidence is mounting.

Increased user privacy

If rumors about Apple’s new search engine are true, the world of internet searches could be a whole lot different than what we’ve experienced in the past with the likes of Google and Bing. Apple has intensely focused on user privacy, evident from its blatant refusal to turn over private user information to the FBI.

As it stands, Safari is the most popular search engine in the United States of America, so it might not be a long-shot to say that Apple already has a built-in user base for a new search engine, should they choose to launch it.

No ads (or limited ads)

Apple’s strong stance on “privacy-first” for its users will also have an impact on the UX (user experience) of a potential new Apple search engine.

By choosing to not make money from advertising, Apple may win over loyal Google users with a search engine that is truly based on an optimized algorithm, rather than on paid advertising.

Since running ads involves selling user data to third party companies, with Google and Bing, there is always a breach in customer privacy when using their search engine.

So, in addition to an ad-free experience on an Apple search engine, users can rest assured that their personal information will be safe and unexploited. 

The downside

No ads? That sounds great, right? It sure does but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be some disruptive side effects that come with it. While users might be happy, businesses who rely heavily on search engine advertising definitely won’t be.

Building a search engine to rival Google certainly won’t happen overnight either. It could take years to have anything that might be on the same playing field as what consumers are used to.

Apple’s tremendous profits and cash reserves, however, tell a story of a company with the buying (and staying) power to commit to such a project.

The story of Apple

The benefits of creating a new search engine are intriguing, to say the least. First and foremost it would allow Apple to gain independence from other search engines.

At the same time, this new technology would enable it to provide a better user experience to iDevice users while creating a new profit stream.

Most importantly, it would end Google’s monopoly on web searches, upending the status quo, and potentially rewriting the rules for the advertising industry as a whole.

From its innovative beginnings with the Macintosh computer in the 1970s to the loyal army of customers Apple has been a memorable success story.

While the Covid-19 pandemic has nearly decimated the tourism industry and Vegas may never recover its former glory, there are green shoots showing which may see the lowly slot reinvigorate the gambling icon.

So just as the iPod revitalized the computer company, we may see new ecosystems spring from the dust.

A game changer?

While it may seem impossible for any company (even Apple) to challenge a behemoth like Google search, the differences in the rollout, interface, user experience, and financial outcomes, it may actually be conceivable for Apple to have a fighting chance to come out on top.

By choosing not to play by the same rules, Apple seems to be blazing its own trail rather than following in Google’s footsteps.

In doing so, Apple won’t have to engage with Google on its own terms, creating a David and Goliath story that just might surprise the world.

How to shoot like a professional photographer on an iPhone

iPhone photographers possess a unique skill: the ability to take near-perfect images on their phone, without anybody knowing that’s how the photo was taken.

You see, when done right, a photograph taken on an iPhone looks just about as good as on a high-quality camera. Even in some cases, it looks special due to the aesthetic the iPhone’s camera presents.

Furthermore, with technology progressing at rapid speed, shooting professional-quality photographs is easier than ever before. iPhone photographers are ahead of the game in this regard, and you can be too.

Here are some tips and tricks to help lift your iPhone photography game to greater heights.

Composition for iPhone photographers is everything

Composition is everything. Making sure that there are no awkward empty spaces, or an imbalance in the frame, is crucial for a visually engaging shot. However, especially for beginner photographers, figuring out the right composition can be tricky.

That’s where the iPhone’s grid comes in handy. This feature divides the screen into nine squares, allowing you to play with photography’s “rule-of-thirds.” 

This is the idea that for the best shots, you need to place the subject of your photo along the lines of the grid or at intersections of the lines. According to research, our eyes naturally travel to the intersections instead of the center of a photo.

Using the grid, you can be sure that the point of interest of your photo is clear. This will make your photo’s more balanced and interesting. 

You can turn on the grid feature by going into setting > photos & camera > grid. This will overlay the grid on your viewfinder, so you can easily find the best composition.

Other tips to improve composition is to keep your photos relatively simple. iPhone photographers don’t overcomplicate the frame and make sure that the subject of the shot is clear. Too many details will unfocus a shot and make it unnecessarily busy. 

Additional elements to consider when composing a shot

To help edit your image down it’s important to know what you’re shooting.

If you’re taking a picture of a busy street ask yourself: what about this busy street do I want to capture? What is the most important element here? Is the large crowd? The different colored clothes the crowd is wearing?

Figuring that out will help you find the right frame.  If the focus of your shot is the large crowd, having a fire extinguisher in the forefront of the shot will take attention away from the subject and make the image less specific.

So, before shooting, check the framing of your shot. Are there any distracting elements? If so, adjust! Move your camera, move your subject, get closer or further away. 

In general, when taking photos with an iPhone,  it’s good to keep compositions simple. This will also be better if you’re intending to share the shot on Instagram.

On the small phone screen, a minimalist, simple composition is easier and more pleasing to the eye than a very busy, and chaotic shot. 

Another simple composition tip is to divide the frame into three parts:  foreground, middleground,  background.  This is especially useful when shooting landscapes. If you place something in every one of the three parts you will be able to better convey the depth and size of the landscape. 

The burst can be a vital tool for iPhone photography

When shooting a moving. subject, it can sometimes be tricky to get the right shot. This can be solved by entering an iPhone’s burst mode.

By holding down the button to take a photo, you enter burst mode which means that your phone will take rapid-speed pictures for as long as you hold the button.

Utilizing the burst feature at the right moments can be a vital tool for iPhone photographers and beginners getting into photography.

Play with angles for the perfect shot

Besides grid and burst, there are also somethings you can do to take a great shot. Playing with angles is one of them.

Don’t be afraid to get a bit athletic. Try squatting down, getting up on a bench, jumping up, or tilting your phone up. This way, you’ll see things from a new perspective.

By playing with angles you’re able to discover new and often more engaging shots than if you were to shoot from chest height. As a beginner photographer, you must try everything for that one perfect shot.

Practice makes “perfect” for iPhone photographers

Keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to spicing up your photography game. iPhone photographers all figured out how to best utilize Apple’s features to get their best shots, or even make a living, and you can get there too.

Besides these tips, getting better at photography is mostly practice. Go out (masked, of course), experiment, keep shooting, and you’ll quickly be capturing shots that will wow even the toughest critics. Check out #shotoniphone on Instagram for shots to get you inspired.

Apple’s ad on over-sharing proves that there is a privacy problem

We have a privacy problem.

Just a few weeks ago, Apple released its new iPhone ad titled “Over Sharing.” 

It starts off with a man shouting to a bus full of people that he “browsed eight sites for divorce attorneys today,” and later escalates to a woman giving her login information to strangers at a movie theater. Then we see a man yelling out his heart rate while jogging and a woman shouting out her credit card details.

Finally, the ad ends with the reassurance that Apple is committed to protecting its user’s privacy. With an ending quote that reads: “Some things shouldn’t be shared. iPhone helps keep it that way.”

After publicly apologizing for allowing contractors to listen to the user’s commands to Siri without informing them, the company has hammered its dedication to protecting the privacy of its users. Tim Cook, the company’s CEO, repetitively called privacy a fundamental human right. 

A clear privacy problem

Ever since Edward Snowden came out and exposed the truth about privacy, it’s safe to say nobody feels comfortable with their laptop cameras. And countless times have we been told that the government is monitoring every single of our moves. 

But, why?

Not gonna lie, sometimes it’s hard to imagine any CIA agent just sitting there judging my cooking skills while also solving international conflicts. “Don’t they have bigger issues to worry about? Isn’t the world on the verge of another world war?”

It seems irrational for anyone to be watching our mundane activities all day long while there are bigger life-threatening events yet to solve.

However, our willingness to share our information has given companies like Facebook and Google an open book to different human weaknesses. They have figured out the mind control game that we used to only see in movies. And now, the single biggest threat to humanity is the lack of privacy.

The lack of privacy issue

“If you are not paying for the product, then you are the product”.

– The Social Dilema, Netflix

Tech companies today are now some of the most profitable companies of all time. And while many of these “users” pay don’t even pay for their services, they make money from selling space for ads. The “users” are just a by-product for their real clients: big corporations.

Their main goal is to guarantee spaces where these ads would be successful. The better they know the user, the better their predictions become, thus the more certainty they have over their service. The Social Dilemma documentary on Netflix puts it simply: “great predictions begin with one imperative: you need a lot of data.”

Data begins and ends with engagement and growth. The more users scroll, like, and interact with each other, the better the algorithm gets to understand their behavior.

They can predict what kind of videos would keep us watching, where we are going to go, and what actions are we taking. Ultimately, they can predict what kind of emotions are more likely to trigger our behavior. We clearly have a privacy problem. And it is scary.

Companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon are essentially building business models that predict our actions. This is something that Shoshana Zuboff calls “surveillance capitalism,” where tech companies compete for the user’s attention.

The true Truman Show

“It is the gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behavior and perception that is the product.”

– Jaron Lanier, The Social Dilemma

What this does is far more concerning than a computer understanding you better than you understand yourself. The job of the algorithm is to figure what to show you next to keep you on screen. To handle and control, in a skillful manner, the content users are exposed to in their everyday life.

In other words: manipulation.

In fact, manipulation is something that is very explicitly taught at many of the great technology schools. The Standform persuasive lab, for that matter, teaches how to build technology based on the psychology of what persuades people — persuasive technology.

They use what psychologists recognize as “positive intermediate reinforcement.” This means implanting unconscious habits on its users. Every time your finger scrolls down, you expect the page to refresh. This technology is intentionally designed to modify user behavior and to incentivize some action.

Over the years, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more have mastered the art of manipulation, to the degree we are not even conscious about. There is more information recorded about human behavior than can possibly be imagined. Houston, we have a privacy problem.

Now what?

Now, the question is why have these “tools” created for positive, become so negative?

When Facebook published their results on their famous Massive-Scale Contagion Experiment in scholarly journals, they emphasize two key findings. “One is that they know they can successfully manipulate subliminal cues in the online content to change real-world behavior or real-world emotion. Two, we can exercise this power or these methods while bypassing user awareness.”

Particularly during these times, the digital world has become our primary source of communication, community and belonging. It has proved its efficiency to keep things going, even while people are forced to stay at home.

Still, the polarizing realities of the world have never been more evident. Anti-maskers claim that COVID-19 is a hoax, all while at the same time the overwhelming numbers of infections and death keeps rising.

One thinks “don’t these people read the news?”

Cathy O’Neil, the author of Weapons of Math Destruction, said it better than anyone else: “Algorithms are opinions embedded in code.”

They are. That’s the problem. The human mind is vulnerable to persuasion. It was vulnerable in 1942 and it still is. Only this time it’s an algorithm with little to no human supervision that keeps feeding on our behavior. And we keep unconsciously complying with it.

In August, Apple announced that it created a privacy-focused software that curtailed Facebook’s ads for iPhone users. The company is elevating its efforts to address this concerning issue.

Now that the presidential elections are right around the corner, the urge to improve communication pathways and deliver legitimate news is critical. “The life of Americans depends on it,” as Michelle Obama said.

So, perhaps there could not be a better time for Apple to remind us all that “some things should not be shared.”

Suspect tech: FaceTime bug allows people to eavesdrop on your conversations

It’s like a bad episode of Black Mirror. Late Monday night the Twitterverse caught wind of a FaceTime bug on iPhones and Mac’s that gives callers the ability to listen in on your conversations even if you don’t answer.

Detected by the tech influencer pub, 9to5Mac, the internet soon found out and began testing the FaceTime bug, only to find that it was true. As you can imagine, there was outrage and an immediate call for solutions.

Imagine declining a call from a number you don’t recognize and that person is still able to eavesdrop on your conversations as long as you’re in earshot of your phone. How couldn’t one be concerned?

To enact the new bug all you have to do is start a FaceTime call, swipe up to add a person, then add yourself. This will create a group FaceTime call and automatically answer the call for the first person.

Both the caller and the original recipient will be able to hear one another. If the caller is quiet, the new bug allows them to hear the recipient even if they didn’t hear the original call.

There’s also a bug that exposes video that is believed to affect any pair of iOS devices running iOS 12.1 or later. Also discovered by 9to5Mac, they ran a test similar to making the call, except  this one “ looks like the other person has joined the group chat, but on their actual device it will still be ringing on the lock screen.” 

Apple in response to the new bug said the issue will be addressed in a software update “later this week” and has taken Group FaceTime offline in an attempt to address the issue in the interim.

Still, the company can’t ignore that they’re in the midst of a big privacy issue.

Late Monday night the Apple System Status page showed that Group FaceTime was unavailable and it appears that they’ve to turned off the Group FaceTime feature on the iPhone already. Now when someone attempts to turn a regular FaceTime call into a group-call the original FaceTime call disconnects entirely.

However, if you still don’t trust that and want to disable FaceTime on your iOS 12 iPhones or iPads, go to Settings, scroll to FaceTime and click the “off” position.

Those on a Mac running Mojave can disable FaceTime by opening the FaceTime app, clicking “FaceTime” in the upper left corner and then clicking “Turn FaceTime off” from that drop down window.

When you think of all that we already offer — our fingerprints, location, and banking info, you can’t help but draw skepticism at a billion-dollar company’s negligence. Coincidence or did someone stumble across something they shouldn’t have?

You don’t have to be a sci-fi junkie or a conspiracy theorist to question the authenticity or motives of Apple in light of this crisis, seeing that Facebook has sold personal information and our spending habits are tracked online.

Call it Black Mirror, Twilight Zone or 1984, either way, it’s apparent that we as civilians must take more responsibility in securing our data and consider more heavily where we release it.

Apple employees continue to get fire benefits with brazy in-house health centers

Apple workers can add one more perk to their long list of employee benefits — in-house health care. At Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, the revolutionary company has already established one wellness center that caters to its employees’ health needs.

Imagine having a sore back from sitting all day at your desk then hitting up the company’s physical therapist to professionally diagnose your lower back pain.

Right at your job, you would have direct access to a handful of doctors, chiropractors, dietitians, and physical therapists. All who are “dedicated to delivering compassionate, effective healthcare to the Apple employee population.” 

Sheesh! As if the product discounts, stock options, and education benefits Apple employees already receive aren’t enough.

Lowkey, this has me thinking — they already have their manipulative marketing hands in our pockets. We might as well sell our souls to the bitten Apple and eternally work for Tim Cooked. Fuck it!

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Why can’t all workplaces follow suit and start blessing their employees with the fire benefits? It’s just not fair!

It seems as if Apple is the second tech giant to break away from old-fashioned employee healthcare coverage. Amazon recently paired up with Berkshire Hathaway and J.P. Morgan and announced a plan to cut health costs and improve services for employees.

To make you even more envious and want to quit your day job, according to CNBC, Apple is looking to add two more clinics in Santa Clara County this spring operating under the name AC Wellness.

The vibes when you see an Apple employee, about to drop stupid guap at the Apple store, and invest in their employee benefits package…

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Apple’s wellness company is no joke. Currently, AC Wellness is looking to hire acute care physicians, nurse practitioners, phlebotomists, and an exercise coach.

Along with the most fire clinical staff ever, Apple employees close to the two new Santa Clara County health hubs will also have health program designers.

Their focus is to create healthy agendas to help prevent disease and promote thriving lifestyles. It sounds so official UGHHHH! Just peep the job listings.

On the downside, your bosses at Apple might be able to peep if you are really calling out sick for a valid reason.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, health problems result in 69 million workers reporting missed days each year, reducing economic output by $260 billion per year.

No more calling out if you had a wild night with your cronies. Picture yourself dialing in sick aka ‘hungover.’

Your boss would pick up the line and ask ‘Why don’t you come in and see your doctor right at work?’ You would then stutter from the anxious feeling of lying and have to answer yes. Only making your stomach drop to hell because guess what? You just snitched on yourself.

There’s also another wack possibility. While testing their latest health products and apps on employees – as Apple plans to do – your timeline of health could be closely monitored by the company you work for.

Ponder the possibilities, homie. If you are lacking on the hamster wheel, don’t you think that word will get around that you lowkey don’t care about your health.

Highkey you would have more money taken out of your paycheck because your AC Wellness insurance doesn’t cover a trash lifestyle.

Catch an Apple employee in the club neglecting their forced health-related products and services training like…

Apple is teaming up with Malala to bring 100,000 underprivileged girls education

Activist Malala Yousafzai and Apple CEO Tim Cook have announced their partnership together.

Malala’s nonprofit the Malala Fund helps fund education for young girls across India and Latin America. The partnership with Apple allows for more than 100,000 girls in underprivileged countries the opportunity to a full 12-year education.

According to The Verge, this also means a stronger Gulmakai Network, which works on supporting activist networks and programs in many countries throughout the globe.

In a statement, Tim talks about the inspiration behind the partnership.

“We began to talk and it became so clear that she had such a bold vision. It really lined up with the boldness of Apple and that the core of it is an overriding belief in equality and that education is the great equaliser. And that has always been at the root of our company and my personal beliefs.”

Malala’s activism started when she was just a child. Always a champion of education for girls, Malala fought for her right to go to school, before being shot by a member of the Taliban.

Malala’s story and early activism has seen her become the youngest Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and one of the most important faces of issues facing female rights.

“My dream is for every girl to choose her own future. I am grateful that Apple knows the value of investing in girls and is joining Malala Fund in the fight to ensure all girls can learn and lead without fear.”

This development is sure to bring change all around the world, with Apple supporting the cause with its technological and research endeavors.

“We believe that education is a great equalizing force. Malala is a courageous advocate for equality. She’s one of the most inspiring figures of our time, and we are honored to help her extend the important work she is doing to empower girls around the world.”

Tim Cook will also be joining the Malala Fund council, helping discuss and lead the foundation.

Another iPhone factory worker in China jumped to his death. WTF is really going on?

The iPhone is one hell of an innovation, but is it worth killing yourself over? Allegedly, it is.

A U.S.-based activist organization, China Labour Watch, said in a recent statement, that a factory worker jumped from a window, killing himself upon impact.

The suicide victim, Ming Li, was an employee of Foxconn – the world’s largest Chinese electronics manufacturer that assembles iPhones along with other products.

Why is this news? This wouldn’t be the first time the iPhone manufacturer has been under fire regarding employee suicide.

Foxconn has been in headlines since 2009.

The timeline commenced after a 25-year-old man jumped from his apartment building. Sun Danyong was said to have been beaten up by security guards prior to leaping out of his apartment window because he lost an iPhone prototype.

Since then there have been 18 “reported” suicides with all of the victims having one thing in common – all were employees for Foxconn.

Is this just a coincidence? We think not as Foxconn is also known for their trash working environment.

Back in 2010, the same year the iPhone 4 was released, 14 Foxconn employees murked themselves. With most victims between the ages of 18 to 24.

One of those suicide victims was 19-year-old Ma Xiangqian. Before his death, Ma’s family told the NYT that “he hated the job.”

His job was working 11-hour overnight shifts, seven nights a week beating LCD screens into shape. Well, before he was demoted to toilet duty.

Damn, that’s f’d up. To prove how gruesome the working conditions really are at Foxconn, Ma’s last paycheck showed the hours of a robot that you never shut off.

My guy worked 286 hours in the month before he died and 112 hours of overtime, at the equivalent of $1 an hour. That’s highway robbery. Over here in America, the average work month is only 160 hours.

The most alarming part of this story is that even after the 14 employees suicides, Foxconn’s working conditions didn’t get better. Instead, to prevent people more suicide at their factory, Foxconn erected a net around its Shenzun factories the same year.

Yeah, thanks for the safety net bruh. Sheesh.

Finally becoming fed up with the working conditions 150 employees of Foxconn threatened suicide in protest, but still, the bodies dropped. Three more people threw themselves from buildings in lieu of the iPhone 5 release.

Now, as we enter 2018 can we expect to see more suicides over manufacturing an iPhone?

According to Chinese state media, where Mr. Li killed himself in Zhengzhou is the same place where half of Apple’s iPhones are manufactured. At this same plant, 350,000 workers assemble 350 iPhones per minute.

C’mon Tim Cook are you really going to let this shit slide?

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Apple admits it peaces old iPhones on purpose so you cop a new one

All the iPhone users out there know that as soon as a new model comes out it sure seems like your old phone starts acting up.

You try to open an app and it suddenly closes, your phone battery goes from 32% to 2% in a matter of minutes, everything just starts working a lot slower and shittier.

iPhone update truthers have been propagating the theory that Apple intentionally slows your old phone so that you’ll be incentivized to stop paying rent and buy the new model. Cooler heads have prevailed to refute this, why would Apple do this to their loyal and loving customers?

Well, it turns out Apple is indeed doing this to their customers, a fact they had previously denied.

After GeekBench published a bunch of charts documenting the performance of old iPhone models over time, the data was irrefutable.

An Apple representative tried to do some damage control, telling Business Insider that yes, the company has lied in the past about intentionally fucking up old iPhones but it was for a good reason!

The rep spoke specifically about Lithium-ion batteries and the amount of power an older iPhone can take or something:

“Our goal is to deliver the best experience for customers, which includes overall performance and prolonging the life of their devices. Lithium-ion batteries become less capable of supplying peak current demands when in cold conditions, have a low battery charge or as they age over time, which can result in the device unexpectedly shutting down to protect its electronic components.

“Last year we released a feature for iPhone 6, iPhone 6S and iPhone SE to smooth out the instantaneous peaks only when needed to prevent the device from unexpectedly shutting down during these conditions. We’ve now extended that feature to iPhone 7 with iOS 11.2, and plan to add support for other products in the future.”

See, it’s not Apple, it’s those pesky the Lithium-ion batteries!

This is such bullshit from Apple, but it shouldn’t really come as a shock. Purposely withholding features or making new models vastly superior to the previous version is a common tech practice.

Business Insider broke down how Apple has kept new features out of old models despite being completely able to run them:

“The iPhone 4, for example was perfectly capable of running Siri, but Apple reserved that feature for the model that replaced it, the iPhone 4s. Likewise, the camera in the iPhone 3G was capable of shooting video, but Apple didn’t turn that feature on and instead made video recording the signature capability of its next device, the iPhone 3GS.”

After this news dropped, iPhone developer and tech writer Marco Arment tweeted, “For years, we’ve reassured people that no, Apple doesn’t secretly slow down their older iPhones to make them buy new ones.”

But now that the tech giant has been exposed, Arment wrote that, “The reputation damage from secretly slowing down old iPhones… will likely linger for a decade.”

Yeah, I mean this is super fucked up! I can’t say that I’m surprised whatsoever by this news, more surprised that Apple admitted to making old models trash.

While Arment is probably right that the fallout from this “will likely linger for a decade,” Apple has such a stranglehold on their customers I can’t imagine anything truly comes from this.

I’ll take a completely non-functional phone over green bubbles any day. I am a sheep.

Apple fires engineer after daughter leaks iPhone X in video that went viral

Apple has let go of one of their engineers because of a recent iPhone X video that went viral days before the new phone’s release.

Brooke Amelia Peterson was visiting Apple’s Cupertino, California headquarters with her family. The group heads to Apple’s private Caffè Macs, where Brooke shows off the iPhone X for 30 seconds.

In the video, the Youtuber showed off a couple of the iPhone X’S features. On Tuesday after it was uploaded, Brooke’s video had gone viral.

“My dad was a privileged engineer who worked on the iPhone X and he had one. After Apple released their keynote, after plenty of YouTubers posted YouTube videos, hands-on iPhone X videos, I made a YouTube video about the iPhone X.”

Right now, her response is #4 on trending videos.

Big corporations are known to be very selective with what they share online. We’ve heard similar cases to this before from Apple, Microsoft, and even Google.

Brooke still claims that she had no idea the iPhone X couldn’t be shown on camera, after so many people giving us sneak peaks.

“Some codenames of forthcoming products from the company through the Notes app,” have been revealed, according to Gizmo China, “The video contained some sensitive QR codes that are meant for internal purposes.”

“My dad showed me his phone, and I was filming it in the Apple cafeteria. I made this video- for fun- because I love making Youtube videos.”

At the time it was filmed, Brooke didn’t even have subscribers, she was simply making the YouTube video for fun.

“I had no subscribers, I had no views, but I don’t care, because I love to make videos.”

Apple has yet to comment on the incident, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed for some good news for Brooke and her father.

The iPhone X is finally here and pretty much everyone got dubbed

If you were able to pre-order the iPhone X consider yourself lucky. This was one hell of an investment because it sold out within 20 minutes.

Even if you were able to bypass the bugged out Apple Store App it could still take a while. During the pre-order kickoff, shipping times continued to worsen.

After the first five minutes, delivery estimates in the US went from 1-2 weeks falling rapidly to a 4-5 week wait. Some people might not even get their phone until Christmas.

The unlucky ones are the iPhone lovers that missed out and can’t wait for Apple to produce more. They will have to cop elsewhere.

This made me realize that this isn’t Fall, it’s hustling season and iPhone X fanatics are about to be played like a Gameboy.

After researching the resale prices on eBay and Craigslist, smartphone hustlers are about to make as much as the price of a used car.

Originally the 64GB iPhone X went for $999 and the 256GB for $1,149. Now resale prices for the phone have skyrocketed to around $6,000 and up.

That’s a come up.

We even came across an eBay listing for an iPhone X that was priced at a whopping $60,000. 


Just to put the price into perspective if someone did drop that much cash on a phone the seller would be able to drive away in a brand new BMW 5 Series and still have $10,000 to spend.

That’s a lot of coins. The funny thing is that this is real and people are probably going to drop an unbelievable amount of guap on the iPhone X.

The supply won’t meet the demand until 2018. According to tech analyst Ming-Chi Kuo in a report from MacRumors, this is the most expensive phone Apple has ever produced,

“We believe the fullscreen design and facial recognition features will drive replacement demand for the iPhone X. However, due to supply constraints, we expect market demand won’t be fully met before 2018.”

That fullscreen design will also break your pocket. if you don’t have AppleCare a replacement screen will run you $279. That is the most expensive repair to date.

The iPhone 6 screen replacement is $129 and the iPhone 8 screen is $169. According to the pricing analysis done by MacRumors, all other out of warranty repairs will break your tiny Apple heart.

If you fuck up your iPhone X and the warranty doesn’t cover it look forward to dropping $549.

Yes, $549! People are better just buying two iPhone Xs. Dropping the paper on that broken phone would be just like investing in an old car you love. I can’t believe that I can compare fixing a phone to a car repair.

Really reminiscing on the old days when phones were simple. They were just used to talk and text. Might just have to go back to a flip phone.


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