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How Priyanka Chopra is using her platform to boss up and give back

Priyanka Chopra’s career is a testament to one completely embracing the opportunities that are afforded when being an actress on the global stage.

Chopra has immersed herself in various projects ranging from activism, philanthropy, and business. What serves as the common thread between each of these enterprises is that Chopra is utilizing her celebrity status to create change and bring awareness to critical issues.

As a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, she has been a vocal supporter of women’s rights and wellbeing and has condemned violence against women and the tradition of child marriages.


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I’m in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh today for a field visit with UNICEF, to one of the largest refugee camps in the world. In the second half of 2017, the world saw horrific images of ethnic cleansing from the Rakhine State of Myanmar(Burma). This violence drove nearly 700,000 Rohingya across the border into Bangladesh – 60% are children! Many months later they are still highly vulnerable, living in overcrowded camps with no idea when or where they will ever belong…even worse, when they will get their next meal. AND…as they finally start to settle and feel a sense of safety, monsoon season looms…threatening to destroy all that they’ve built so far. This is an entire generation of children that have no future in sight. Through their smiles I could see the vacancy in their eyes. These children are at the forefront of this humanitarian crisis, and they desperately need our help. The world needs to care. We need to care. These kids are our future. Pls Lend your support at #ChildrenUprooted @unicef @unicefbangladesh Credit: @briansokol @hhhtravels

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But Chopra’s latest venture is in tech. The actress has invested in the coding education company, Holberton School, as Chopra is dedicated to exposing women to the fields of computer science and technology in a larger attempt to eliminate the gender inequity in STEM industries.

The school’s educational mission is to teach students to code and providing them with the crucial skills and experiences to occupy jobs in STEM that are available now, and are expected to grow significantly within the decades to come.

Interestingly,  The New York Times reported that tuition for the school is required after graduation with “17% of their paycheck is deducted by the school for three and a half years.” Her recent business initiative aligns with the actress’s commitment to creating more opportunities for women and women of color in particular.

A South East Asian Woman in Hollywood

Chopra also isn’t incognizant to Hollywood dominance over the global film distribution market. In an interview with the BBC, she stressed how she finds the term ‘Bollywood’ itself to be reductive and leads to the misconception of Bollywood being simply “a spoof of Hollywood,” instead of being considered as a serious and huge film industry.

In the same interview, Chopra also revealed how she pushes back against the label of being a ‘Bollywood actress’ that is often ascribed to her by media outlets.

It is for these reasons that Chopra is invested in creating more narratives orientated around South East Asian individuals and communities. Chopra wants to show that cinema from and about this region of the world goes beyond the widespread Western idea of characters breaking into song and dance on an over-the-top colorful set.

In speaking with Variety, Chopra relayed her feelings and experience when meeting with the executives of the ABC network after being granted the lead role for the series Quantico. She said,

 “What happens with a lot of South Asian actors or actors who come from different countries is you get stereotyped into just what studio execs think that Indians should be.”

Indeed, the lack of representation and limited (and often derogatory representation) of South Asian populations inspired her to head her own production company, Purple Pebble Pictures.

The production company has much to be excited about. Their film Pahuna: The Little Visitors, has garnered critical praise amongst the European film festival circuit and earned the accolade of winning the best film award at the Schlingle Film Festival in Germany.

Pahuna tells the story of three Nepalese children that are separated from their parents and then undergo extraordinary circumstances to return back home.

Opportunity and Success

While her career certainly demonstrates her desire to create opportunities for others, in an interview with Teen Vogue, Chopra also emphasized the importance of one creating opportunities for yourself. She says,

“You have to create your opportunity, you have to fight for it, you have to demand it. Yes there will be times you will be let down, you will be disappointed and people will tell you, you’re ahead of your time or that’s not how it is. At some point, you will find some success. At some point, you’ll be able to find a crack in the door. Even that’s enough. Don’t let anyone tell you your dreams are too small.”

This is how you body your first impression, according to science

It’s bright, early, and your shot AF but it’s your lucky day.

A high-level executive just walked into the elevator and you’ve been working on something great for the past couple of months.

All you have are 30 heartwrenching seconds to pitch your life’s work. What impression will you leave on the man or woman that can possibly change your life? According to science, the first impression may all depend on the pitch of your voice.

A recent study from researchers at the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris has revealed the way that we say “hello” can uncover some truths about who we really are.

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But how Sway? French researchers developed a computer program called CLEESE which generated thousands of different ways people say “bonjour.”

After testing 44 male and female participants, who were told to listen to 100 different versions of the word, the analysis showed that depending on the high or low pitch of your salutation people can determine if you appear more dominant or trustworthy.

A low pitched “hello” showed that you as a person appeared more dominant when it came to first impressions. Taking “howdy” an octave higher revealed that you were seen as more trustworthy.

Low key, this info can be applied to any entrepreneurial career.

After all, all you do have to garner a relationship with a possible client is your voice. Peep Jordan Belfort schooling DJ Envy on the Breakfast Club about the sales pitch he used when he was a young telemarketer.

What’s even better the tone of your “hello” sees no gender. According to the study, researchers concluded that those tested were able to pick up on social traits regardless of someone’s physical traits.

The researchers added,

“The linguistic and social judgments we make when hearing speech are based on intonation… Just as we have a mental image of what an apple looks like — round, green or red, with a stem, etc. — we form mental representations of others’ personalities according to the acoustic qualities of their voices.”

This is a great tool to use for those looking to get into the sales industry. In fact, the CLEESE software has been made available to those who are on a quest for finding a better way to communicate.

Practice and step into your next elevator pitch with confidence. You can perfect your tone of voice by using the free CLEESE software here.


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How ‘Cup of Rahman’ creator Celine Rahman grew her brand by following her passions

Celine Rahman’s blog, Cup of Rahman, doesn’t dish out delicious hot cups of ramen noodles to customers, despite what ideas the title may conjure up.

But what the site does dish out, are the bloggers’ intimate thoughts and the showcasing of her self-customized products — from key rings, key chains, jewelry, illustrations, and apparel. The printed t-shirt that reads “stay woke, make change” is a definite favorite!

Although starting out as a music blog during her freshman year of college, Cup of Rahman evolved into a blog and was an extension of Rahman’s Instagram account @cupofrahman.

The site combines Rahman’s love of photography and fashion while also offer an outlet for Rahman to discuss her thoughts, moods, and feelings that are particularly inspired by fashion and film.

Both her writing content and products are highly relatable. She creates entertaining illustrations that tap into the female millennial horoscope culture, as well as pictures that feature the faces of prominent celebrities and quotes that go with their star persona.


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She creates cards that remind us of when our hearts soared during moments from our favorite romantic comedies of the 90’s. Such content is fitting given that Rahman expressed that her ultimate vision for C.O.R. is,

“To spread goodness and consciousness. To let people know that there’s always that little kid inside of you and it’s ok to let them out.”

In deciphering which themes and ideas that her products will be orientated around Rahman told Kulture Hub, that her product development is influenced by things that simply interest her, as well as the desire to instill a feeling of wonder, excitement, and childhood nostalgia for her customers.


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@emilyarlook setting the vibe 💜✨

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Though her background as a multimedia artist has informed what products she has created, Rahman also emphasized that she always knew she had the creative gene.

“I’ve always known that I’m the type of person who was just born to create. I thrive through it in every way and I try not to give myself rules when creating.”

Rahman, however, like most artists, is no stranger to the fear and doubt that comes with putting one’s work out to the public, as she stressed the importance of believing in one’s own creations and ideas.

“Not everyone’s business is the same as yours and when in doubt, do your own research. It takes a lot of self-teaching to create a business by yourself.”

She continued by expressing that her desire to create and share her work ultimately supersedes the fear, because at the end of the day,

“If you don’t want to share anything with the world, what are you living for?”

Importantly, her intimate blog posts reveal how it is okay to not be okay.

Her posts are a source of comfort and offer an important encouraging message against a culture that socializes women to identify and hyperfocus on their supposed flaws and imperfections. In short, Rahman says stay true to yourself and just be you.


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👏🏽✨💅🏽✨💖 MANTRA (

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Her Instagram account @cupofrahman and blog ultimately share posts that are funny, entertaining, and affirming. In regards to what advice Rahman has for young aspiring entrepreneurs, having resilience and organization are key, as she says,

“With Facebook controlling the Instagram algorithm, it’s been annoying at times, but I just keep pushing the content I want to be seen. It’s an ever-evolving process for me, I’m still learning and I always will be.”


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New logo 💖

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Celine finished off her advice by telling us,

“Always have a plan, save every dime you can, do your research and know that under no circumstances is it going to be easy. You have to know that you want to wake up every day loving what you’re doing.”

The myth of the ‘Glo Up’: The truth behind what it really takes to level up

Although never formally taught or introduced in an educational setting, I’ve never had to have the term ‘glo-up’ defined for me.

I can’t recall when it became popular but I distinctively remember a time when the word wasn’t used at all. In fact, now that I really try and recollect, catching your “big break” was probably the closest thing to “glo-up” prior to the term being coined.

Either way, “the glo,” your “big break” — or whatever kids are using to describe that ascent from where you’ve always been to where you’ve always wanted to go — seems to be the subject of attention for millennials, teenagers, and whoever else on social media needs something to brag about.

Don’t get me wrong, seeing and wanting more for yourself is phenomenal. In fact, it’s necessary for success — too many are incapable of believing they can achieve more.

It just doesn’t stop there.

The myth of the glo-up is that it’s something that one day just happens. As if one day, after so many hours logged in on earth, you suddenly evolve to that next level of success you’ve always wanted for yourself.

Newsflash: we aren’t Pokemon.

I blame social media. If you were to type “glo-up” in any of the many platforms, chances are you’re going to see before and after pics. Before and after the weight loss. Before and after the degree. Before and after the red carpet event, etc.

But in reality, if you want to reach the highest of peaks, it takes practicing a combination of different disciplines to gain habits necessary to actually do so.

Disciplines like going back to the drawing board, sacrifice, and consistency. With these principals, a glo-up is more than possible, it’s inevitable. You’re fooling yourself thinking you can level up otherwise.

Drawing Board

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The drawing board is a window into your soul. It’s an instrument that frames where you are in contrast to where you want to be. It’s a reflection of your strengths and weaknesses. And it doesn’t sugar coat.

It’s why those who refer to it do so regretfully and why those who don’t remain stuck.

Because when you are intentional about evaluating your progression there may be habits you pinpoint which could have been impeding your journey. Habits that, if remained caught up in the hustle, may have gone undetected.

Not all viruses have symptoms and not all issues let you know they’re there. A lot of the time, the reason why we don’t see ourselves going anywhere is due to our inability to “see” where we’re going wrong.

Which is why a regular trip to the drawing board is key to your glo-up. Doesn’t mean you have to erase every time you go back there. As long as you’re keeping up to date with the plan and making the changes that need to be made.


If anything, going back to the drawing board teaches us that to get somewhere you’ve never gone, you have to do something you’ve never done. This is the reason glo-ups take sacrifice.

Nothing in life is free, including the non-material. Be it the hours you put in, the lifestyle you give up, or the diet you adopt, there’s a price to pay if you ever want to see anything of significance happen in your life.

If the lack self-awareness doesn’t stop you from your big break your non-willingness to change will. There are athletes where the only thing standing between them and going pro is a sober lifestyle. There are artists who can be household brands if they put it in the time. All it takes is deciding to do so.

It comes down to how bad you want it. If want to glo-up like you say you do, you’d take the necessary steps, especially after seeing what those steps are.

There is always something you can do differently, and there is always something you can change today, to help you tomorrow. Your glo-up counts on it.


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Anyone you consider an idol, star, or great at their craft got there by deciding to never give up. It’s the secret ingredient that everyone already knows. Literally, being the last man standing is one of the most important factors to success, but it’s also how most people fall short.

The problem with consistency is that it’s boring. It takes patience in doing the same thing, over and over again and wears old on most people because it doesn’t have awards or accolades.

Consistency doesn’t feel like you’re doing much but in reality, you are. You’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing.

The myth of the glo-up is that it’s something you wait for. The glo-up is happening and it’s every day. It’s what you do, what you don’t do, and how long you do it for.

There is no doubt in my mind if you are careful and intentional about assessing your progress, willing to sacrifice as the process sees fit, and consistent then you can get whatever it is in this world that you want.

Now that’s a glo.

4 keys to mental strength that we learned thanks to Princess Nokia

Not everyone is equal when it comes to mental strength.

For some, mental toughness is equivalent to flexing a muscle, something that needs to be built over time with reps of patience in order to get where you want to be.

The capability of handling situations depends entirely on a person’s mindset and sensitivities. We all go through hard times, but have you ever been around that one friend who shrugs casually while recalling details of the unfortunate experience they went through last week?

Or that other friend who’s been there, done that, remaining effortless in their usual tenor? Some of us just are built that way, while others still struggle with balancing the cyclical and monotonous tasks of everyday life.

At the end of the day, there’s always someone who has it worse and is overcoming their situations quicker. It’s not a super power, they are not immune to emotions or trials, they’re just better at going about their day without allowing the past to weigh them down.

And many of these people go on to do great things? How many celebrities have you read about who have come from a background of hardships?

Rihanna sold her clothing to make ends meet on the streets of Barbados, Cardi B started stripping to escape an abusive relationship at the age of 20, and Oprah found her way out of sexual abuse and poverty.

The stories of these women are as inspirational as they are brave, united by the same common theme: they never gave up, no matter what experiences they went through. They surpassed their hardships by grinding through the struggle, eventually persevering on the other side.

Much like our leading lady figures, Princess Nokia’s childhood wasn’t a typical one. Born Destiny Nicole Frasqueri, she alternated between the LES, Harlem, and Brooklyn as a kid.

Losing her mother to AIDS at a young age, Princess Nokia grew up with her abusive foster mother who worked at the school she attended, limiting her chances of getting faculty involved with her home life.

At the age of 16, shortly after recognizing that she was being abused, she ran away from her foster family with only $3 and a cell phone in her pocket.

“I fucking ran out the house and never went back.”

These days, Princess Nokia is heading down a path that starkly contrasts her younger years.

Widely successful in the underground music scene, she has decided to remain an independent artist and work on her sound and image on her own time, without the pressure of being attached to a label.

Stand up for what you believe in

Known for her perfervid views on feminism, Princess Nokia displayed signs of heroism many times before. She punched a man in his face at a Cambridge University show after hearing him shout sexist comments like “Show me your tits!” After the show, she said,

“I’m so sorry, but when a white boy (in this particular case) disrespects you, you punch him in the fucking face.”

And who can forget that time she threw soup at a belligerent racist on the subway? She tells Tidal that she’d always been a warrior for the people.

“I forget that I’m Princess Nokia all the time.”

Now, I’m not saying square up every time something difficult comes your way, but if there’s something you deeply believe in, you should approach the situation with the pride and confidence it deserves.

If this means punching an ignorant ass hater spewing racist vitriol, so be it.

Be unapologetically you

If Princess Nokia’s artistry and success have taught us anything, it’s that it’s more than okay to be who you truly are.

Her song “Tomboy” focuses on pointing out her perceived ‘flaws’ and placing them in a sexually empowering paradigm.

With my little titties and my phat belly/ I could take your man if you finna let me/ It’s a guarantee that he won’t forget me/ My body little, my soul is heavy

“Typical” would be the last word used to describe Princess Nokia. An Afro-Latina revolutionary with a thirst for challenging the construction of gender and race, signing to a record label would only deter her of her individuality, so instead, she’s turned down five record deals. Five!

That’s a whole lot of opportunity strewn to the side in hopes of allowing your inner self to shine through and do the work for you.

Of course, we have no doubt this will happen. Embrace what you have and abandon the idea of “changing” who you are. And if you don’t fully know who you are just yet, that’s okay too — some of the most fun you’ll have on your journey is during the trial and error of becoming who you need to be.

Don’t be so hard on yourself

Practicing self-love and compassion is harder than it sounds. We are our toughest critics, our own insecurities often limit our potential if we allow them to.

Recalling the moment she recognized there was something wrong with the relationship she had with her foster mother, rather than blame herself for the events proceeding, Princess Nokia sought out to make a change.

She explained in her documentary with The Fader titled “Destiny,”

“I remember it was picture day. She beat the shit out of me. I had a black eye. And she made her sister put makeup on me. At 10-11 years old, I had to get put makeup on that morning. By 15 years old I realized it’s not okay to abuse a child. That something is being taken from me and I didn’t want to be silent anymore.”

If you’re capable of showing others compassion, let it align with your practices of self-love and care. Just because you’re going through a rough time doesn’t mean you have to suffer through the pain. If something isn’t right, it’s time for a change.

If the universe is shooting blaring hints at you and you’re doing everything in your force to ignore them, don’t.

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Your intuition is your best friend. It tells you when it’s time to take a look around at the situations you’re in and what to do about them.

It tells you when you need to move, when you need to take a different approach, and to pay closer to your situations.

“Failure” is another made up construct

The only failure is not trying. When you fall, you pick yourself back up again and come back with your focus even stronger than before.

There’s no room for failure when you’re following your passions. If plans don’t turn out the way you expected them to, consider yourself being steered into a different direction.

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Princess Nokia, much like the other empowering women challenging the constructs of our media and continue to be pioneers and role models, upending the typical perceptions of women we look up to.

These women give everyone hope that forgoing all that we’ve been taught and following ourselves to the ends of our journey is all that we can do to ensure our own happiness.

Keep pushing: 3 reasons why good things happen to those fail forward

Will Smith celebrated his 50th birthday by bungee jumping from a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. Will ended up jumping 550 feet and was held by 200 feet of active cord, not to mention that heli-jumping is one of the more dangerous types of bungee jumping because there’s no solid foundation.

The Fresh Prince star has become a sensation on Instagram of late, showing us common folk how regular-degular our lives are with unfair cool jaw-dropping content, but that doesn’t mean this feat was a cake walk.

Will was dared to do the jump by Yes Theory but admits to having a “lifetime of feeling squashed and squelched and controlled by fear.” After his dad died a little over a year ago he’s been inclined to live more freely, and he wouldn’t let some jitters stand in between he and his goal. Will said after the jump:

“You cannot experience the joy the is intended for you in life if you don’t go. Life is hard. you might get hurt. Your heart might get broken. But you still gotta commit…Don’t hesitate—GO.”

We all have been at the crossroads of comfort and risk — standing between familiarity and going for it all. We all have had to decide at one time and time whether we should stay where we are or try something new that could change our lives forever.

What Will Smith was talking about after had jumped from hundreds of feet in the air — that feeling of having accomplished something you were uncertain about — is one that we all deserve to feel and is one that a lot of us are standing directly on the other side of.

When we commit and go full-on and completely fall into the direction our intuition is telling us to go and when we allow our hearts to lead us, we allow ourselves to live and to be one with the flow of the universe.

As Will said, it is hard; it does take faith and it isn’t always pretty. But on the other hand, you’re allowing yourself to set new dreams and you’re giving your imagination the jurisdiction to explore new terrain.

It’s in you for a reason

When it comes to fully commit to something new, whether it be a lifestyle, practice, or anything for that matter, it’s important to remember that the ambition came from somewhere.

I don’t think we appreciate our desires enough. The mere existence of an urge — a longing for, well, anything — is a blessing that thousands of apathetic, unmotivated and even suicidal people long for.

We have to respect these impulses. Your desire to pick up and instrument, travel the world or move to a different city, should be contingent one thing,  and that’s your own self. Don’t be afraid to go for it, it’s in you for a reason.

Failing is okay

A huge reason many of us fail to commit to our dreams and desires is that we’re afraid to fall flat on our faces. But falling on your face is good.

Perfection is a myth. We’re supposed to get bruises and scrapes; we’re supposed to fall down and get up. That’s how we gain experience and grow.

We stop learning when don’t allow ourselves to fall. It’s when we’re doing everything right all the time and are the leaders of the pack and when we’re comfortable when stop growing.

Failing to learn to code or failing to get a job position or failing an entrance exam, is not as bad as continuing to do the same thing for the rest of your life. The sooner we get over the stigma of imperfection, the sooner we can master new crafts.

Doing nothing is going backward

There are tons of people in life who will grow old having never challenged themselves to go higher, push farther or to dig deeper. There are individuals who, despite it not being their dream, settled on a life that provides and does just enough.

These people think they’re maintaining, but in reality, they’re going backward.

No progress is backward progress; unless we’re evolving we’re dying, and no one wants to spend life as a zombie. So if we don’t ever commit to that thing we’ve always been prompted to do, we’re just withering instead.

It’s hardly failing when you’re at least making an attempt. If anything, it’s failing forward. And when we ditch the fear of not getting it right directly out the gate we leave ourselves open to life’s endless possibilities.

‘Growing Up Black’ Podcast creator Kyle Davy on turning his passion into a career

Working a job you hate? Going to school for something you aren’t passionate about?

Host and creator of the GrUB-cast, aka the Growing Up Black Podcast, Kyle Davy was in your exact position! Now he’s doing what he loves for a career and positioning his brand to take it to the next level.

Originally from Ossining, New York by way of Kingston, Jamaica, Kyle Davy started the GrUB-cast after constantly moving and traveling around the globe.

Inspired by the similarities of individuals’ stories in vastly different areas, he wanted to create a forum where Black people could learn from one another and realize that they weren’t alone and thus Growing Up Black was born.


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The newest episode of the GrUBcast: Soundbites is up! (Link in Bio) . . Happy Thursday GrUBfam! We’ve got another segment of Soundbites for season 3 and today I want to remind you all to show someone in your inner circle some love. . . We all have many people out there that inspire us. And not just celebrities. Maybe it’s an old neighbor, a friend from college, your parents, whoever. And for whatever reason, even though we live in the most communicative and accessible era of all time, we tend to appreciate in silence. More often than not we don’t reach out to those people just to say “yo, you’re dope” or “that piece really touched me” or “that thing you did inspired me to do xyz” etc, etc. And why not? What’s stopping us from showing appreciation to the people in our inner circle who deserve it? Today I’d like to encourage you to remove all hesitation and go ahead and show love. You never know who might need to hear it. . . Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who might benefit from hearing someone else’s story. Also be sure to check out @toptiervisionllc! . . With that said ya’, have a great week, much love, and as always, keep eating. . . #Soundbites #GrowingUpBlack #ShowLove #advice #SouthAfrica #Austin #business #BlackPanther #NewOrleans #Deebo #Friday #blavity #thegrubcast #WillSmith #Szn3 #PBS #blackexcellence #listen #nyc #podcasts #JordanPeele #Oscars #soundcloud #media #blackexcellence #TopTierVision #CrewLove #selfdiscovery #blessup #keepeating

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Now as full time as a Media Production Manager for a Fortune 500 company, Davy spoke to Kulture Hub about why he started up the Podcast in the first place. It wasn’t before his first corporate job out of college forced him to pursue his passions. He explained to me,

“Upon quitting my first job out of college that I hated, I decided to start GRUB! It started out as me just interviewing my friends about whatever they might’ve been going through at the time, then the more I began to travel the more traction the podcast began to gain.”

Davy is a Dartmouth College graduate who during his time there, studied finance. Being at an IVY league school with a small minority population, this was one of the things early on that inspired him to create a platform like GrUB.

Today, Davy wears many hats, serving as a consultant for other podcasters and entrepreneurs, while officiating weddings (from time to time), and speaking on panels that intersect between music, culture, and technology.


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I’ve been asked to do a lot of amazing things in my life, but I have never felt more honored than when two incredible people asked me to officiate their wedding. . . A year ago I was recognized as a wedding officiant throughout the United States, and three weeks ago I joined two phenomenal individuals in holy matrimony for the first time. The ceremony was amazing, the reception was a lituation, and the memories we made that day I will cherish forever. . . A major thank you @marissa.b__ and @ryes_father1st , for having the faith in me to do this, for blessing the world with Young Ry Ry, and for loving each other the way that you do (also special shoutout to Marissa for the Patriots shade in the vows, it was appreciated by many). Like I said at the wedding, your love is an example to us all. . . “Love is beyond the connecting of the hearts, it’s the intertwining of the souls” . . To say that I am blessed would be a severe understatement. . . #bars #JobNumber5227 #TheJamaicanWay #MinisterDavy #wedding #BerriosPartyof3 #MyFaithKnowsNoLimits #NewYork #marriage #Success #chosenphotoinc #MoreJobsPonYourHeadtops

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“Being able to see people that look like you pursue their degree does something for you, it’s comforting to relate to others… I think you can take more advantage of the world like that!”

In starting up GRUB Davy began to find his real passion which was in conversing.

Looking for an outlet to leave his then position and fully immerse into the Podcast world, Davy began job hunting and networking. The persistence and diligence of both helped him to become the pioneer of the media arm at his company.

“I found another role that I was going take, then that same day a different manager called me and basically said they’d heard my podcast and that they wanted me to fill a new position they were making where I’d manage the development of podcasts full time”


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The first episode of the GrUBcast Season 3 is up! (Link In Bio) . Today’s episode features Rah and @i_am_the_investment , better known as the Hip Hop group the @welldressedvillains . Throughout the episode we keep a focus on their musical journey, discussing the state of hip-hop today and the importance of investing time, effort, and authenticity towards your passion. . . As an artist in any form, the journey to truly mastering your craft is never linear. It’s difficult to shut down naysayers, find your own niche and most importantly building the right team to move the art to the next level. On today’s episode the Well Dressed Villains and I talk about everything from how they got started, the evolution of hip-hop, the difference between pulling vs. pushing as an artists, and why they’re continuing to follow their dreams despite the obstacles that are thrown their way. Whether you’re a musician, a painter, or aren’t artistically inclined at all, there’s a multitude of advice to learn from here. You can really hear the passion in their voices and I know you’ll appreciate their story and knowledge throughout the episode. . . Definitely check out their music on Spotify, Instagram, and Facebook by searching for “Well Dressed Villains”. And most importantly their new album “Hide Your Valuables” drops this month (January 2018!) so keep an eye out for that as well. . . Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who might benefit from hearing someone else’s story. . . With that said ya’, have an incredible week, much love, and as always, keep eating. . . #WellDressedVillains #Brooklyn #GrowingUpBlack #HipHop #NewYork #music #thrive #Passion #NewYork #betweenthelines #consistency #vulnerable #BeUncomfortable #humble #fear #interviews #dope #advice #art #HideYourValuables #blackpodcasts #podcasts #nyc #loudspeakersnetwork #JVargasTheInvestment #Rah #radio #success #grateful #keepeating

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Despite being a native New Yorker, Davy had spent a few of his adolescent years living in Jamaica. This undoubtedly gave him the awareness he needed to listen to other’s stories.

“Living in a different country helped me to put things into perspective. Now things have become so trivial to me. People may complain about Wifi being slow, somewhere abroad one may complain about not having somewhere to live.”

Upon his return to the states, Davy lived in Westchester County. Being a frequent traveler and having lived in another country, Davy has a pretty well-informed worldview.


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The newest episode of the GrUBcast: Soundbites is up! (Link in Bio) . . Welcome Welcome Welcome ya to the first segment of Soundbites for season 3! Today I want to encourage you all to stop worrying so much about things that are out of your control. . . When it comes to achieving our own dreams and goals we are often our own worst enemy. We question and worry about so many possible outcomes that we end up stagnant, not taking any action at all and in turn, delay possible success. So today I want to remind you of a phrase we all (hopefully) learned as children. Hakuna Matata = No worries. Let’s all try to use this childhood message to push ourselves further as adults. . . Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who might benefit from hearing someone else’s story. . . With that said ya’, HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH, have a great weekend, much love, and as always, keep eating. . . #Soundbites #GrowingUpBlack #HakunaMatata #advice #CombatJack #RIP #Preacher #BlackPanther #BlackHistoryMonth #CapeTown #LivingSingle #blavity #thegrubcast #blacklivesmatter #Szn3 #PBS #blackexcellence #listen #nyc #podcasts #DapperDan #Gucci #soundcloud #media #blackexcellence #AKing #GodsPlan #selfdiscovery #blessup #keepeating

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He also had the opportunity to study abroad while at Dartmouth, giving him even more perspective of the world, especially from the eyes of a Black man.

“In the broad sense of the world, the stories of people of color aren’t aren’t necessarily highlighted unless you are like a top athlete.”

Having been in the Podcast world for a little while now, Davy has had many interesting situations as a result. One of his guests once voiced that he will never date black women. He explained,

“This was actually one of the dopest things of done on GRUB! When he made that comment I knew there’d be an uproar.”

After this episode, a lot of people, black women, in particular, expressed their disappointment in said person. Davy then did a reaction episode in which he had three black women express why they feel one may have that type of mentality.

“When all was said and done we were able to trace his malice towards black women all the back to him not having an unhealthy relationship with his mother.”

For Davy, this was especially dope, because of what he aspires for GRUB to do for people!

“We often think that our adversity, shortfalls, and triumphs are unique to only ourselves. In reality, many people share similar, and many times, identical stories. From the way we’ve grown up, to the way we react to things on an everyday basis. The main goal of this podcast is to create a forum for the diversity of the minority experience.


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The newest episode of the GrUBcast is up! (Link in Bio) . . Today’s episode features World Startup Ecosystem expert, Christine Souffrant Ntim, and how she’s been able to run 4 successful startups and speak in over 20 different countries a year, all while raising a newborn daughter, building with a loving husband, and somehow also keeping up with 14 different TV shows. . . Often, we see successful people throughout our lives that seem almost godly in their continued pursuit of achievement and growth. And often, while we are engulfed by their wins, we often forget that they were all once where we ourselves might be now. Today’s episode features one of my idols and friends, Christine S. Ntim as we talk about how she’s gotten to where she is today. We discuss how she’s become a World Startup Ecosystem expert, how she’s dealt with loss, and most amazingly how she’s managing being an entrepreneur as well as a new mother and wife. It is an INCREDIBLE interview. The longer you listen, the better it gets. There are gems in here that are (literally and figuratively) priceless. . . Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who might benefit from hearing someone else’s story. . . With that said ya’, have an incredible week, much love, and as always, keep eating. . . #entrepreneurship #Haiti #GrowingUpBlack #StartUps #motherhood #Vendedy #Disrupt #1804List #Forbes30Under30 #noexcuses #decode #vulnerable #Ebony #Superwoman #interviews #dope #advice #Caribbean #Beyonce #Rihanna #blackpodcasts #podcasts #nyc #loudspeakersnetwork #Superwoman #radio #success #grateful #ChristineSouffrantNtim #keepeating

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Davy continued,

Hopefully, you hear something that relates to you, a story that shows you that you’re not alone, and better days are to come. You may laugh, or cry, you may even learn, but you will most certainly feel.”

In any career field, networking is imperative Davy explains how networking got him to where he is today!

“Being at work whenever I would talk to someone I would tell them how I have podcast, give them the run down of the theme, and concept… And the eventually the higher ups at my company got wind of GRUB and that was pivotal in getting to where I am today!”

Despite not having a straight path to where he currently sits, Davy made connections, worked hard, believed in his brand as well as himself! With this new endeavor for Davy, Kulture Hub will be excited to see what’s next for him!

Kidz ‘R Evil proves that the next-gen is taking over digital content

Queens-native Adisa “Felix” Sobers is changing the way we digest digital content through his creative agency Kidz ‘R Evil. His duty to create dope visuals stems from a need to serve as a truth to those being miseducated by universities and mass media.

Sobers has managed to combine his talents. He is a jack of all trades being well-versed in marketing, advertising, photography, cinematography, editorial design, and literature.

Blending his innovative skills, Sobers allows us to see something we’d see as ordinary in an uncommon manner. Simply put, Kidz ‘R Evil was created to invoke thought, help people think outside the norm, and allow artists to use their creative talents as a method of expression.

Truth be told, the platform speaks for itself. Still, we reached out to Sobers over IG to get the inside scoop on his aesthetic. NYC, definitely, has had an influence on the young visionary. Sobers said,

“NY is pretty much one of the main media capitals of the world and it’s multi-cultural. The vast amount of cultures here has raised my taste level because it exposes me to things outside the norms of my own community. You can easily take a trip to Chinatown or Little Italy and be exposed to a completely different culture and that definitely has an impact on my art.”

The creative agency first started out as a blog on WordPress. Back then, Kidz ‘R Evil was already on fire and in 2008 the digital portal would be voted “Best Blog” by WordPress MU.

After that, Sobers knew he had to “up the par” and in an attempt to stay at the top of the electronic food chain he would pick up a camera, get lost in another creative realm, and allow his lens to tell its own story.

Sobers explained how Kidz ‘R Evil became “bigger than a blog, smaller than a magazine, and more exclusive than a cult.” He said,

“The idea behind Kidz ‘R EVil is a satirical look at how the older generation demonizes and refuses to understand the interests and behaviors of the younger generation. We are dismissed and cast aside like we are “evil…”

Sobers continued,

“It originally started as an online magazine revolving around art, music & culture but it evolved into what you see today because I took up an interest in creating video content. I knew that to make content interesting you have to focus on originality instead of the current trend and that lead me to create content for others.”

With no effort, Sobers seamlessly connects to the culture because he is a product of it. He shows his respect for the visual arts through film fan edits and syncing anime cartoons to dope rap tracks.

Sobers touched on connecting to the Kulture through his content. He said,

“Actually, most of my friends make music so I’m always in a studio session or shooting music videos. I got the bright idea to merge them [anime cartoons to music] when I realized some of the characters I remembered from my childhood had the same kind of personality as the artists I knew and I could make the gestures match as well as I can sync the words. It started to give the characters a personality that you can relate too if you are a fan of the music and a fan of the character…”

Over time, Sobers has mastered his craft. Be like him, pave your own creative path, and rely on a pure passion to drive you to the top. He left some words of wisdom (WoW) for any youths looking to collab or follow in his footsteps. He said,

“Focus on mastery, not clout. All you need to focus on is your passions and your interests because there are going to be days you want to quit but passion will carry you through. Clout will get you fucked up out here but the pursuit of mastery will take you far beyond your own expectations.”

You have the power to create your own world… homie.

Navigating your next: 3 things you need to master in order to level up

It’s only on rare occasion that an individual has to be told they are ready for a promotion.

More times than not — especially if you’re ambitious — you know when it’s time for more; you know when you’re ready to level up. It’s seldom that we need notification that we’re ready for what’s next.

While all of our journeys vary in calling and demand different from us they all work in levels, and all of us, without a doubt, have been ready for the next one that lies ahead at one point in time. However, regardless of how prepared we feel for our come-up unless proper steps are taken in getting there, we’ll only ever stay exactly where we are.

The issue is that our vision and mindset gets ahead of our habits and behavior. We have an idea of where we should be without having done the work, then get angry at life for the results it doesn’t yield.

Our lives don’t just automatically change for us when we grow weary of our current status or when we’re fed up with where we currently are, and there isn’t a time limit on how long you are going to stay there. Life just doesn’t work that way.

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While we don’t need anyone to tell us that it’s time for the next step in our careers, we may just need someone to tell us that we haven’t done what it takes to get there.

A lot of us feel entitled to be where we aren’t, but, because of pride, won’t take the due diligence to take a step back and figure what we need to change to make it happen.

Instead of being frustrated with where we’re not and growing bitter due to what we don’t have, our job is to lock in and make a drastic change in our behavior.

We can navigate our next, steer a clear path for our level-up, and make a seeable difference in our lives, but it all starts with within.

When we isolate ourselves, demand different from ourselves and lock-in in a manner which we haven’t before, it’ll get us over whichever hump that may be stopping us from that next stage that we so long for.

If you feel like you should be somewhere different than you are right now, with much more, then prove it. This is how.


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Isolation is important because it creates a healthy space for self-reflection.

It’s hard to check under the hood when the car is crowded. If we feel as if we’re ready and life is not unfolding accordingly, that means there’s something for us to tweak, and isolation is the best way to do so.

Isolation can look a variety of ways, too. Maybe it means not popping out as much or holding your dreams to yourself. Maybe isolation could mean a break from a significant other even 15 minutes of meditation every morning.

When we intentionally isolate ourselves, we give ourselves the opportunity to slow down and to fine tune whatever it may be that’s keeping us from going where we want to go.

So many of us don’t have the patience for isolation, especially in the digital age that promotes showing every aspect of your life, but if we took time to figure out what we could do different, we then give ourselves the chance to execute differently.

When it comes to navigating to your next when you feel and know it’s time but it still hasn’t happened, find ways to isolate yourself to figure out what it is left that you need.


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Separation and isolation are different because you can be separate yet still move with the pack; it just means you move differently. And when it comes to elevating to that oh so elusive next level, adopting different behavior may just be what the doctor ordered.

Choosing to separate yourself doesn’t always have to mean separation from a said group of people or even an individual. You can create separation from your former self, separation from a lifestyle or separate from a way of thought.

It’s infuriating to exhaust every option yet still have nothing to show for it and it’s draining when you put it all on the line yet remain in the same place but that can only change when we separate ourselves from the norm and we detach ourselves from what we know.

To go somewhere you’ve never gone, you must do something you’ve never done, meaning, when we sperate ourselves are familiarities we give ourselves a shot at doing what we’ve always wanted.


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The last component to navigating your next is the amount of focus you can commit to.

Many people claim they focus, which they probably do, but very few people push themselves to a focus that will elevate them from one level to their next.

If you feel equipped, ready and prepared yet haven’t gotten the life results to match, the focus should be deeper. If we want to reach the next level, then the next level of focus is needed. We must require from ourselves what we demand out of life, so we cannot expect to receive more without giving more.

It’s the equivalent to LeBron James cutting off his phone and social media during the playoffs and Kobe Bryant waking up at 4 am to beat everyone on the floor — next level exploits take next level focus.

Instead of complaining about what we deserve or getting disgruntled about where we’re not, next time we should look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we’re doing what it takes to navigate our next.

Meet the women ‘CannaPreneurs’ pushing the marijuana industry forward

The multi-billion dollar marijuana industry is finally booming. As a proud supporter and advocate, I’m very happy to see the progression that weed has made in the United States.

More importantly, as more states began legalizing weed, the corporate world of cannabis is opening new doors, and it appears to be a serious lure for women.

When it comes to bud, boss b*tches are occupying more corporate seats than any other business sector in the United States. The Atlantic reports that 36 percent of women are currently taking up executive roles while top-level women in other businesses stand at only 22 percent.

Side note: Funnily enough, men are still more likely to smoke than women, even though weed has been proven to have more positive effects on females, improving everything from your mood to your sex life.

To help highlight the benefits that weed has on women, these marijuana moguls have been impactful models in the recent marijuana industry, working hard towards a friendlier cannabis culture.

Whoopi Goldberg & Maya Synergy

Vanity Fair

Talk about a team.

Award-winning actress, comedian, and author Whoopi Goldberg found her place in the marijuana industry by partnering up with with Maya Elisabeth, founder of Om Edibles, powerful “canna-businesswoman” and 7-time High Times Cannabis Cup award winner.

The View co-host shared with Vanity Fair that she started working on a line of marijuana based merch when she noticed her grown granddaughters were still complaining of menstrual cramps. With a goal to cure this atrocity, she sought out the creation of a product that would help relieve women of menstrual pain.

The line of products has been successful in helping soothe symptoms of various menstrual-related pains, including endometriosis, a little-understood disorder that affects more than 200,000 women a year.

According to Rolling Stone, their products are only available for sale in California dispensaries as of right now, but as we work towards making the USA more marijuana friendly, we can hope they soon become available everywhere.

Jazmin Hupp & Jane West


Genius Entrepreneurs” Jazmin Hupp and Jane West founded Women Grow, an accelerator program that holds community building events to help women take lead in the marijuana industry.

Ms. Hupp spends 35 weeks out of the year out on the road, attending cannabis events and educating women about the potential business opportunities in the marijuana industry.

Ms. West runs her eponymous company, Jane West, where she dedicates her time developing accessories and products that encourage women to try out the cannabis lifestyle.

Dr. Lakisha Jenkins

A master herbalist, this naturopath has been involved in the marijuana industry since 2006. Dr. Jenkins is the founder and CEO of The Kiona T Jenkins Foundation of Natural Health, a nonprofit organization that focuses on holistic healing and “bridging the gap” between western and alternative medicine.

Dr. Jenkins has helped write the legalization laws in California, and even has the magic ability to select a specific strain to treat whatever ails you.

On Complex’s list, 15 Most Powerful Women in the Weed Industry, Dr. Jenkins is ranked number one, having made some serious moves in the cannabis industry.

Charlo Greene

You probably remember her from the “Fuck it, I quit.” video back in 2014, where Greene announced her resignation from her job as a news reporter for KTVA Alaska while on air.

At the time, Greene was working for the Alaska Cannabis Club in attempts to make weed more readily available for patients who needed it most.

Since then, Charlo has succeeded in doing what she wanted to do: She brought legalized marijuana to Alaska, making it more readily available for people who need it most. Alaskan government officials have charged Greene with 10 felonies and 4 misdemeanors, resulting in what could be a 54 year prison sentence.

But that hasn’t stopped Charlo from doing what she feels she needs to do. Since her resignation, she has starred in The Weed Show with Charlo Greene, launched a beauty line and continues to show her support for the cannabis community through various organizations.

According to The Guardian, the sentencing process for Greene is complicated,

“As a result of her activism and Alaska’s objections thereof, Greene must now spend a whopping amount of her working life trying to demonstrate the many benefits of cannabis reform for any potential jurors that may be watching, as well as the world at large.”

Hopefully, with the right legal representation, Greene’s team can ensure that the ganja advocate is reprieved of all ridiculous charges and sentences.

We support & love you for all you do, girl!

Cheryl Shuman

Labeled “The Cannabis Queen of Beverly Hills” by The New York Times, Ms. Shuman has worked hard to promote marijuana products, and helped launch over 1,700 cannabis businesses over the past 20 years.

Also called “The Martha Stewart of Marijuana,” Shuman has partnered with her daughter, Aimee Shuman as the CEO and Founder of the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club, first opened in 1996.

The club has since “served as the definitive authority on connoisseurship for discerning cannabis consumers,” according to their website. Showcasing the most prestigious cannabis brands, the club is said to give members, “Insight into a range of subjects, which include 420 travel, politics, women and children issues, fashion, state of the art vaporizers, and much more.”

Shuman has continued to show her support for the marijuana industry, and doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon.

If you’re a woman and considering the cannabis industry as a career path, you’re heading in the right direction.

Hopefully, we’ll continue to see wonderful changes both in the world of business and cannabis rights.