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F*ck a constellation: The Rihanna bday challenge will get you a new horoscope

There was a new and genius Rihanna bday challenge incited by Twitter user @ChipdNudePolish (Shari) on Feb. 17. The challenge according to her tweet –  “Google Rihanna and your birthday to see which outfit you get.”

Naturally, the Twitterverse took to the dare and the responses to Shari’s tweet were a long list of images of Rihanna draped in her different, stylish, and controversial fashions.

Unknowing that Twitter would fall in love with the  “Rihanna bday challenge” Shari’s dare would be retweeted over 3,000 times, liked by 14,000+ people, and receive 6,000 responses. Those are some numbers, huh? All those people Googling their birthdays plus Rihanna to see which outfit she would be wearing.

Of course, Teen Vogue picked up on the viral event and in a quick little interview, they asked @ChipdNudePolish how she thought of the new way for people to find their Rihanna horoscope.

She was inspired by a similar game people were playing with Beyonce and her outfits. She told Teen Vogue, “I was inspired by a tweet I saw floating around earlier that morning… With Rihanna’s birthday on the horizon, I figured why not!”

A lot of the searches were so on point with our horological descriptions it was ridiculous. WARNING: RESULTS MAY DEFINITELY VARY. 

One user whose birthday falls on Aug. 21 had the fit only a Leo would wear. Peep the drip!

Check out this all black leather fit Rihanna wore on Nov. 17. This can’t be a coincidence! This is definitely a drip appropriate for Scorpio season.

For our Geminis, you won’t believe what picture popped up for June 3, Rihanna sporting her sheer fishnet crystal gown. ICONIC!

Pieces prepare do drop your drinks although you’ll probably be able to guess what Rihanna was wearing if your bday fell on March 3. All Pieces energy here FR FR!

Exuding elegance, Capricorns whose birthdays fall on Dec. 31 won’t be able to help themselves after they Google their bday and Rihanna and this all pink luxury fit pops up. Chill!

This whole fit, on the other hand, is DEFINITELY an Aries mood.

And the feminine boldness for all you Tauruses out for sure coincides with the fit in this flickie right here.

All should, for sure, give this little game a try. Still, don’t be disappointed if a picture that has nothing to do with, your horoscope, who you are, or how you dress pops up in your little Google search.

Remember it’s only a game children!