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What is climate change displacement? A hard look at forced migration

The phrase “go where the money is” will take on a whole new meaning. For some, it already has. Climate change displacement is no joke, and it’s coming for us all.

Climate change is real

Our planet has been steadily dying since the birth of the combustion engine. Irregularities in weather patterns are brought on by a decreasing ozone layer.

This spells doom for the crops.

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The drastic change to Earth’s surface temperature in the past century is entirely from human activity. A rapidly industrialized world means a stark increase in population. The more people there are, the more mouths there are to feed.

Poor countries suffer climate change displacement first

This means dangerous living conditions. Poorer countries are disproportionately affected. Unbearable heat and lack of rain make agriculture impossible in these regions.

Depleting resources is the first sign of a species in decline. Because the crops (read food) can’t grow, they must find some more. This creates competition for resources in the neighboring areas, who may themselves be struggling.

Countries near the Equator are hit the hardest at the moment. Being closest to the sun doesn’t help with rising global temperatures.

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This temperature change means Guatemala is expected to lose rainfall by 60 percent. Hotter areas are likely to turn to desert.

Countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Panama have been losing livable land in recent times. Hurricane El Niño devastated Central America, flooding farmland and killing crops.

Because of this, people in countries affected need somewhere else to go. With vast land in the United States, it only makes sense people would look to better their lives here.

The U.S. will not be spared

The United States may be one of the last to feel the worst of global warming’s effects, but it will be biblical. Let’s not forget, a large reason for the state of the planet is to feed American interests.

Outsourced labor in China and India are the reasons for their pollution contribution. In 2017, Science Advances predicted by 2100 that temperatures could rise there so high that going outside for a few hours would kill “the fittest of humans.”

That is- if we continue on our current trajectory. Americans are by far the biggest consumers. Because of how much we pollute, many millennials are second-guessing having children.

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Past generations stressed the values of having children, owning a car, a big house, and buy, buy, buy. They, also, were not incredibly in tune with what these habits meant. And thus the state of our world.

Because of the lifestyles stressed by Western civilization, we look the other way at the harm they do. We all love a pair of Jordans but ignore the sweatshops that make them.

The American compartmentalization of cruelty for comfort may come to an end if it endangers our world.

Make the change now

Sustainable energy is needed sooner rather than later. Many countries have taken to it, but it’s necessary from such big consumers and producers. When the world goes to shit, America’s gonna look like that friend who ignored your advice.

That’s why this must be nipped in the bud. Part of it will need to be a shift in culture. Not often are Americans made aware of how much they consume. It would kill the machine of industry. No one wants to be made to feel bad for buying something legally available.

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If more awareness was given to how it begins, people may be more thoughtful about their purchases. I say all the time, your dollar goes further than you may think.

Simply by existing, we’re all part of the problem anyway, so who cares, right?— That’s the attitude that got us in this mess.

Since we are here, let’s try to do our part.

Boycott Amazon: How to navigate around the industry giant

With a history of poor working conditions and worker exploitation, Amazon has a spotty reputation with the public. Because it’s such a convenient resource, many see it as an unavoidable evil, especially during this contactless delivery day and age. But it’s time to boycott Amazon.

A large portion of daily purchases from the internet go through Amazon, so here are some ways around it.

Buy direct

Amazon can be a great guide for finding what you need. When you find what you’re looking for, try buying from its website directly. True, you would be giving Amazon the website traffic, but not nearly as much as if you bought from them.

If you know what you need, you know where to go. Plus sometimes the product’s original website might offer discounts!

Shop IRL

Sorry, all my hermit friends. Most of the time, we go online because it’s hard to find what you need in store. However, this goes to y’all who could get the same drug store products locally, but don’t want to be inconvenienced by going outside.

Conglomerates take over when smaller stores can’t afford to stay in business. With COVID back on the rise, small businesses are likely to suffer again.

Be safe, but buy local if you can.

Avoid Amazon-owned properties

Here’s to the Whole Foodies, Twitch fans, and Zappos lovers. They’re all owned by Amazon.

With over 40 subsidiary companies, avoiding them for everything is near impossible. For what you can dodge, though, I would recommend it. The larger they grow, the more they will buy.

Check out their list of subsidiaries here.

Yes, I realize the irony in putting their website here. Hard to avoid, see what I mean?

Second-hand can be as good as first

Let’s not forget the value of buying things used. It’s much better for the environment, no manufacturing involved, and it’s way cheaper. True, Amazon does feature this option. But some sites specialize in it.

If you’re looking for something in particular online, eBay is the classic. It can be a crapshoot, depending on the seller. However, if their rating is good and the description is upfront, you’ve nothing to fear.

Just as well, thrift stores sell second-hand goods, often with treasures sprinkled about the mix. Want second-hand clothes but eBay’s not for you? The app DePop does just that.

Don’t use the internet

The only surefire way to not support Amazon (digitally). Live under a rock, it’s not that bad, really. Patrick Star digs it. That’ll show them… But let’s be real, we buy things online quite a bit and don’t know exactly where it all goes.

All jokes aside, your dollar has a bigger impact than just you. Spend how you see fit, friends.

Alternative COVID concerts: What will concerts look like in 2021?

The virtual “concerts” we’ve been getting have been cute, but don’t compare.

With so many canceled concerts, crowds have been growing anxious to see a live show once again. Artists, especially, have been hit extraordinarily hard by COVID. Many have speculated: what will alternative COVID concerts look like in 2021 and on?

At the moment, venues, themselves are trying to find workarounds for this too. With venues losing nearly half a year of profits, they need solutions. If they are to bring them back, what will change? Will we go back to how it was?

Alternative COVID concerts: The Drive-in

Some artists have done drive-in concerts. It’s an original solution, granted there’s a drive-in theater near you. Everyone is socially distanced (within their car), and doesn’t need a mask!

A major benefit of the drive-in is all can see from where they are. Tickets are the same price per car, and charges per vehicle instead of passenger. Most drive-in parking passes cost around $150, which divided by four, which means less than $40 per person!

We will miss the feeling of the crowd, for sure. Beats watching from behind a screen, though.

Socially distanced crowds

Before the COVID resurgence, Dave Chappelle held his first live show since the virus on June 6th. This was managed with a socially distanced crowd in Yellow Springs, OH, where cases were relatively low.

This was the first ‘concert’ in North America since the virus’ start.

Seats were in pairs in an outdoor theater setting, with groups putting their seats together.

Granted, this was before the recent COVID spike, where such a thing could happen. Also, this was a comedy show, where people are more inclined to sit and listen intently.

Concerts are experienced differently. You watch the concert, but you’re more inclined to stand up dance, or mosh. All of which are fueled by the whole crowd feeling the music.

All that said, it is something worth trying when the case numbers drop a bit.

Wearing masks to concerts (…?)

There’s a reason I put an ellipsis and question mark in parentheses there. The point of having concerts back open is to mark the end of this bullshit and a return to normal life.

Having masks at concerts may dampen the mood, though may be necessary. At least for a bit. Having crowds gather will need to be tested as safely as possible first before going back to normal.

Having a concert of any sort will be a blessing. Maybe these alternative COVID concerts will do for a while. Stay hopeful, friends.

What now grad? Here are some educational alternatives for youngins

These are some odd times we’re in. I know, you’re sick of hearing that, but it’s true. As the graduating class of the year of COVID, I think about the incoming students. I just wonder… is college worth it for them? Here’s some Corona college alternatives.

This question has been asked many times, but still lingers in the collective consciousness of America’s youth (and their parents). College is definitely not for everyone.

For creatives especially, a nightmare is going to college out of fear of being screwed, studying something that isn’t exactly what you want, and being left with loads of debt. In many cases, degrees don’t even directly translate to a job skill set.

DIY Coronavirus College alternatives

This is most often seen with art, acting, and film school. If you want to make films, you can do so by spending money on equipment. Anything you could want to learn about your respective craft can be found online.

Plenty of tutorials exist to help people who like to do it themselves. You will not rake in piles at the start, but freelance service is always a solid start.

Most schools’ film majors for undergrad are film and screen studies, which is like an English degree of movies. The focus is far less on the vocation of making your own film, and more on the theory.

Vocational School

A much cheaper alternative to college.

If you wanted to learn the technical side of an industry, vocational school is the way to go. Most often for film and audio, vocational schools help you work hands-on and directly in an industry post-graduation.

It’s much like going to a trade school, as you learn similar skills over a comparable amount of time.

If being stuck in a classroom isn’t for you, then don’t worry. These only take about two years.


For those all about working directly in a field of interest, fellowships may be the move. Being an apprentice in an industry gives you marketable skills directly usable for that line of work.

Depending on what you’re trying to do, they may be a bit difficult to come by. However, if you want it, go for it!

Commune Dwelling

For you real crunchy artsy types, commune living for a bit is a vibe. Just don’t expect your parents to spring for it.

Depending on the place, rent may only be doing chores for the settlement. Artist communes are designed to give artists a space to live and practice their art, even if they don’t have much income.

Usually self-sustaining, communes need help to keep running. It’s not for the lazy.

Be careful if you pick this option, however. If someone approaches you asking for you to live on their commune, they’re trying to induct you into a cult. Look into the place first.

Community College

Economically alternative to traditional four-year school, community college is a favorite amongst my friends. You’re still getting higher education without burning a hole in your pocket.

People may shirk it off, but it’s a valid option. Many people are starting to see the value in community colleges. With many classes going online, what’s there to laugh at?

With COVID shutting down life, colleges won’t survive if they charge what they do. Many are starting to see the alternatives, and they work in many cases.

Kids are so often told how screwed they are or will be if they don’t get into the right school. They’re seldom– if ever, congratulated on how far they’ve come. They’re pushed by fear to go to college.

It’s a new world out there, friends. Weigh your options –and corona college alternatives, wisely.

Supreme Mushroom Trip: 5 things I learned on shrooms at Supreme

A magic time was had by all, but mostly me. Yesterday, my friend trip sat for me while I was on shrooms. On our way to the Brooklyn Bridge’s waterfront, we passed a Supreme store. Thus the Supreme mushroom trip began.

As a bit of a critic of Supreme, I was hesitant. That didn’t stop us from doing it for the culture!

Supreme city exclusives

What caught my eye as I walked by were the vibrant colors and vintage look to the shirts in the window. Upon entry, I noticed a shirt that had a drawing of Tomkins Square Park. Being that I live a block from there, I was tempted.

I dared not look at the price tag. I wanted to keep this trip happy. Seeing a neighborhood landmark is happy enough.

Speaking of tags…

While I couldn’t bring myself to check the price of a shirt, I did check the hats.

They were too visually appealing and popping out! I saw they didn’t have a tag. So what did my dumb tripping ass do? Say to the dude working, “Yo mans, this the type ‘a dealio where you if you gotta ask, you can’t afford it?”

Someone from across the store said it was $48… for which I was only charged $42.

It was a Supreme Worldwide #1 Globe flat bill mesh trucker hat.

Unique store layout

The Brooklyn Supreme is designed more like an art gallery than a clothing store. On either side of the walls are racks and shelves, with mostly clear space between them.

This allows the customers breathing room and likely accommodates their big crowds.

Supreme brooklyn store

On the walls from floor to ceiling are pictures and artwork from Supreme designers. skateboard decks are also proudly on display.

Behind the register is a pool skate ramp. Tripping and seeing a skate ramp in a building is a mind fuck, to say the least.

To think I’d only see the sort of thing in Tony Hawk…

Supreme brooklyn store

Entrance procedure

Going into Brooklyn’s Supreme isn’t as simple as just walking right in.

Likely in response to looting, security has been hired in front of the store. As such, they take down your name and phone number (just for one person if you’re in a group).

This was a scary moment, to say the least. I thought I’d get turned away if they saw my pupils. All I have to say about it… thanks for doing the talking, Paige.

Supreme mushroom trip: Repackaged culture

Whether Supreme pays homage to or rips off designers is up to you to decide. One thing that can’t be denied is they’re quite inspired.

Their designs are often based on some sort of collaboration. When original, Supreme seems to take influence from ads and packaging from the 80s and 90s, with a modern spin.

In a way, Supreme has made a look all their own from borrowing from past decades’ trends. When we see something familiar to us, we are more inclined to pay attention to it. This is your nostalgia hard at work.

If you’re looking to design, take notes, friends.

Savage or cruel? how the popular term celebrates lack of empathy

The word savage has only changed in popularity, not meaning. In the past five years, society has used it to describe people who disrespect and don’t care who they hurt. They even think it’s cool. Is being savage cruel?

Our culture has always had a love for these unapologetic anti-heroes. Wolverine embodies this trait and the rest of the X-Men call him out for it. Even so, he’s generally the most popular with Marvel fans.

Pranks that aren’t funny

Today, it’s celebrated in pranks and disses in online videos. While hilarious at times (let’s not lie, we’ve all laughed at them at some point), they expose an ugly side of our culture and values.

The greater the lack of empathy on display, the more the views. Edgy humorists take to this especially. It validates their sense of humor and gives them an excuse to be cruel.

Justifying cruelty by calling yourself a savage is done by cheaters, abusers, and bullies alike. Some YouTubers like Jake Paul is notorious for doing this. Then, the fans, who are mostly kids, encourage this behavior.

Trap has done quite a bit to popularize the word. It tends to value self-indulgence and doing whatever you want. Some do this just for the image, others are hiding in plain sight.

Cruel Memes

Memes, as well, have had comparable influence on the term ‘savage’. There exist quite a few Donald Trump‘s most savage moments compilations. The country laughed so hard, he landed in office.

The attention from controversy only drives their fans more and more wild. There is no clearer example than The Donald.

Because of his platform, he has half the country endorsing the way he acts.

Ask yourself: Is being savage cruel?

When a phenomenon happens at the top, it will be felt by all levels of society. It sets a dangerous precedent for what we as a society will tolerate. And right now that phenomenon is being savage, cruel.

Normalizing these behaviors is how they stay. Stay kind, friends. If you are to be savage, at least be funny.

President Ye’s short-run still has fire endorsements and Oklahoma?

As crazy as this world seems, seems a number of people were saying YES to Ye. But as of Tuesday night, the DONDA don dropped out of the race. So we thought…

It seems at the last stretch, President Kanye managed to get on the Oklahoma ballot according to the state’s election board.  Should we be hype?

Mans did have the fire endorsements including Chance the Rapper.

The Chicago rapper seems to realize his friend (another Chicago rapper) may not win. All the same, that has not kept him from supporting Kanye politically.

Many criticized Chance’s responses, as they fear this will siphon votes from the real candidates. It’s his voice and his choice. You may not dig it, but that’s his right.

Slate writer Joel D. Anderson appears to imply that Kanye is either mismanaged or enabled. With a crowd of “YES” men surrounding him, who will tell him no? Ye is someone who historically hasn’t appreciated the input of others (when he doesn’t agree).

Anderson takes the position that he is rewarded by the public, no matter how crazy he acts. He has drawn the conclusion that with the loss of his mother, he has never acted the same since.

Instead of supporting Kanye to get help, they support his madness. Whatever makes the headlines, right? Still, this timeline sounds very familiar.

Actor Terry Crews was quick to weigh in on Chance’s tweet, which Chance was quick to denounce. This was likely in the wake of a tweet Crews came under fire for when discussing Black Lives Matter.

While well-intentioned, not all took to his message, especially Chance. Others on Twitter believe Crews was trying to cash in on social brownie points.

Outside of entertainment, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has endorsed Kanye’s run, as the two appear to be friends. While Elon Musk himself is no stranger to bizarre antics on occasion, this has to be the most far-out he’s gone.

This can simply be written off as a joke, or a friend doing a favor for a friend. However, with as much sway and relevance Musk has, one has to ask how responsible it is to do. A well-respected CEO joking about endorsements could do some actual harm.

Lastly, wife Kim Kardashian-West had a glowing endorsement for her husband. Kim, with 65.7 million Twitter followers, no one can get the message out quite like she can.

While not directly having any quote about it, she did endorse his announcement with an American flag emoji.

While this may be an entertaining story, remember Kanye did manage to nab two percent of the vote. His team tried to get on the ticket late in Florida and South Carolina but did not work out.

But, but he did manage to beat Oklahoma’s state deadline to get on the ballot.


Welcome to homelab: How to build an efficient gravity bong at the crib

Welcome to cannabis homelab!

Sometimes, life forces you to be crafty if you want to get high. No one knows this better than I. Bongs can cost you in the hundreds, but you can replicate the same feeling at home!

For this, you’ll need something tall that holds water (bucket, pot, 2L bottle, bathtub), a bottle, and some kind of bowl. They tend to range from janky to sus, as most often it’s plastic used in these.

Today we’re here to talk about how to build a gravity bong DIY in a few different ways.

Go for glass

Glass is safest for your health if you want to use your gravity bong long term. Lucky for you, it can still be done! For this, you need a big glass jar and a bottle of similar size.

Next, drill holes on the sides near the bottom of the bottle. Place the bottle in the jar, and fill them up. This can be done with a plastic soda bottle and a knife if you don’t have the tools.

If you want this to be pure glass, I recommend buying a small bubbler with a removable bowl piece.

Or just trust in your homelab, fam

This is the only way to do it without plastic or foil, though, which I’ll cover too.

Then, put that bowl piece atop your bottle (granted it covers the bottle’s top), put your bud in, and let it rip!

Gimme that jank

If your health ain’t on your mind, there are cheaper ways to do this. You can fill up a bathtub or sink and repeat the bottling process without the jar. Fair warning, it will rip you. Your bottle can be a plastic one too (not recommended).

Although it is very sus, aluminum foil is the classic method for making a DIY bowl.

For this, cut or tear off a square. Put your finger directly in the center of the foil, and fold the foil up around it. Then put it in the bottle’s top and fold the excess foil around the bottle’s rim.

Last, poke a hole in the foil with something sharp and thin (pin, sharp pencil, or paper clip, tack, etc.). Fill up your bowl and it’s ready to go!

That health warning, tho

The jankier methods of the gravity bong are meant only for short term use. Melting plastics and smoking out of metal time after time can be quite dangerous. However, your life is yours to live your way.

All I wanted to do here is lay out the safest ways to save money and get ripped with getting ripped off. Do you have a gravity bong method of your own? How has your experience with them been?

Save your health and your money, friends.

Do your research: A deeper look into the Wayfair conspiracy

The internet loves a good conspiracy but the Wayfair conspiracy is definitely one for the books.

Still, when it comes to conspiracies, we feel like we’ve put together the pieces of a puzzle when we find patterns. We like to believe we, the average folk, are taking down the powers that be. Just be careful when deciding which conspiracies you take at face value.

Debunking the Wayfair Conspiracy


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In other words, no.

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Wayfair, this past week was embroiled in controversy after a Reddit user claimed their expensive cabinets are for trafficking children. Granted, the $12,699.99 price point for a cabinet is a crime in itself, the theory claims they contain children.

The thread continued, with a user citing:

“Well how about the fact that if you look up the SKU # of any of these products named after girls, you will see that the image results on any uncensored search engine (like yandex) show images of children in bikinis. What do you make of that?”

The pricey cabinets had female names, such as Yaritza and Neriah, names of girls who had gone missing. The theory posits that Wayfair kidnaps kids and sells them inside the furniture box.

The Suspect Activity Continues…

There are clear problems with this, as someone shipped in that box would likely arrive dead. Unless they had enough food, water, and air from the time the order, it couldn’t happen. Shipping takes about two weeks from the time of purchase.

When the cabinets were taken down, the internet thought this was all the proof they needed. A spokesperson for the company then claimed:

“Recognizing that the photos and descriptions provided by the supplier did not adequately explain the high price point. We have temporarily removed the products from the site to rename them and to provide a more in-depth description and photos that accurately depict the product to clarify the price point.”

Fueling the fires, they had previously furnishing agency ICE, who disappears immigrant children. This move of theirs caused a massive employee walkout in protest. With CEO Niraj Shah wanting his employees to be “talented and non-political,” it’s easier to justify this claim.

It should be said, a company’s political stances, even if unpalatable, does not mean they’re more likely to abuse children. Supporting ICE might, though…

Wayfair claims that their cabinets are “accurately priced.” $12,000+ is still fishy to say the least, though. There’s no doubt that Wayfair definitely has a far from spotless reputation.

Look critically, friends.

Why Jada’s ‘entanglement’ will be hard for the internet to forget

After several years of separation rumors, the Red Table Talk with Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith put them to rest. With it came Jada’s new coning for a special kind of relationship status: entanglement.

And of course, hella entanglement reactions on the Internet.

For a period, the Smiths had separated in their marriage. During this time, Jada admitted to having had an “entanglement” with R&B singer August Alsina.

This is when Twitter went wild.

Will’s response was measured, but it was clear he wasn’t satisfied with this term. He then went on to call it a relationship. The memes have started coming and they haven’t stopped.

The tricky side of  “entanglement”

By using the word entanglement, it seems to be a positive spin move, on her part. With the years of speculation, they knew the answer would draw quite a bit of media attention.

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It’s what happens in the media all the time: take something and call it something else. Will called this out, as he appears to have caught that move.

Entanglement implies that someone is helpless but to fall into a “situation” when it’s a choice. Will and the rest of the internet saw this and jumped.

Don’t get lost in bad entanglement reactions

Yes, entanglement was used as something of a responsibility avoider. But while Jada’s was during a separation, some find it dangerous for others.

The concern stems from how some will use the entanglement reasoning to justify cheating. Cheating is wrong no matter what. Jada’s reasoning drew loads of criticism, and her move won’t likely work better for anyone else.

This is where the emotional investment really comes into play. People are taken back to their own instances of someone cheating in their lives, and see themselves in Will and Jada.

Their opinions appear to be personal.

Fixing family issues in the public eye is hard AF!

No one can front we love the drama. Who doesn’t love some cheating gossip, especially about celebrities? Even if it’s a couple we idolize. Remember Jay, Bey… and Solange?

Exclusive Footage of Solange And Jay Z's Elevator Altercation in ...

Just connecting some hypothetical dots here, but at that moment we knew something was off. We saw the drama unfold from the moment Solange almost beat Jay’s ass in the elevator.

A couple of years later we would get Lemonade and 4:44 revealing that there indeed were some underlying issues in Bey and Jay’s relationship.

With them, we had closure, through the music. And with Will and Jada, it just happened to be on Red Table Talk.

Keep in mind, this relationship with August was during her separation. Relationship matters such as this are stressful enough, but with the world’s spotlight, it’s on a global scale.

And all eyes are on you especially when you’re a minority power couple.

While that is part of the deal of celebrity life, remember that we choose to contribute to it. These are still real people, and most of us don’t know them personally.

People will say what they will, but let’s try to stay respectful.