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Submit to Kulture Hub! Here’s our killer content pitch guide

Everyone wants their voice heard, and at the Hub, we believe in making it easier for creatives to be themselves and reaching the world with their craft. Maybe you’ve had a way with words forever, or maybe you’re just starting to find your voice. This guide is to help you craft a killer content pitch to Kulture Hub.

We’re always open to new ideas. We all know there’s more to…well everything. But there are only 1080 minutes in a week so if you want to use some of yours to speak out to a likeminded community or the world we’re here for it.

The brainstorming phase

Sometimes you get an amazing idea and it comes with all of the bells and whistles pretty much mapped out. Other times you have a less fully-fledged thought, and it needs some work. Both are valid in the realm of content creation consciousness.

The brainstorming phase is where you get to take a theme like youth-led organizations, or Black voice actors and turn it into a set of related ideas to cover.

For example, youth-led organizations could go the route of different missions, like climate change, or anti-gun violence, or racist/sexist dress codes.

The black voice actors could extend to children’s shows, animated films, or independent adult animation.

The goal is to stretch out to anything that pops up into your mind when you think of your initial idea. There’s more to any single idea too!

It’s from this phase that you will come out with what is considered an “angle.”

The angle phase

An angle is like a ‘thesis’ to your pitch, it covers the who, what, when, where, and why of your content. For example, Gen Z activists are heading more self-led organizations than previous generations. How are they different from the more traditional organizations out there?

Or, why independent animated shows are the way to go for up and coming Black voice actors.

You may notice that these angles look very much like KH headlines, that’s not a coincidence. Headlines are what reel audiences in. Of course, your angle should cover all the important questions, so it’s okay for it to be longer than a single sentence.

The quick pitch phase

Now in the quick pitch phase, you may already know everything that you’d like to cover in your content. Despite not having done all the writing or all the video storyboarding, or all the audio treatment for your content, you’re confident in how the idea will play out.

If this is the case, you’re welcome to contact the KH team with your pitch and angle in this form. Keep in mind that we might ask some questions about you’re pitch so be ready to answer those or at least have a good idea of when you will be able to produce the results.

If you’d like to take some more time with your pitch we recommend going into the next phase.

The in-depth pitch phase

This is where you complete all your research, an outline with detailed bullet points for editorial and audio content, or a storyboard for video concepts.

Having these in-depth organized ideas in your pitch makes it more attractive, credible, and also just easier for you to hit the ground running when you get the all-clear from us.

Whatever kind of content you are creating, make sure it’s clear and easy to follow. We trust that you’re passionate about the concept you’ve chosen, so don’t shy away from showing that through dedicated outlines!

The all-clear from KH phase

This is the part where you’ve sent your pitch over (in-depth or quick pitch) and the KH team has discussed your concept with you and how we can publish your work. We will have also discussed a deadline for your completed submission.

This is the time to lock in, complete research, and produce the content in your pitch. Let your passion guide you, and feel free to reach out with any ideas that might come up while you’re working.

The completed content phase

Of course, this is the point where you’ve already completed the content in question and you’re sending it over to KH. We will look it over, and discuss any edits we recommend making to fit the platform. But the end result is to get your work published on Kulture Hub!

But maybe you really wanted to have a completed project before sending it over to KH for potential publishing. Or maybe you have a project you’ve worked on in the past and you’re looking for a home for it on the web to reach as many as possible.

Kulture Hub is definitely open to receiving completed projects, whether they are editorial, video, or audio. If your work fits with our publication, we’ll work on getting it up on the platform for others to see. We will always credit you for your work and you can use it to show others everything you’ve done!

Reach out to with your pitches and we can get to work.